
13th June 2024
Day 06, La Grande-Motte to Capestang

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Garmin route for today - - Strava route for today

Miles today: 75.29
Total millage so far: 389.28
Today's top speed: 31.6mph
Punctures: 00

Blog for the day:

Long day in the saddle. Perfect weather, so I can't complain too much. Started off really nice, but became a bit of a slog with the wind and trying to find water towards then end.

The smell of jasmine if still filling the air, along with the sounds of swallows and goldfinches, really is heaven at times. The road surfaces are lovely most of the time, and I can't recall any French grotbags so far. Some of my route did up on some rather bad "tracks" and terrible patchwork of holes and fillings. I had to take a detour as one of the bridges was under repair, while another was like something out of an American 80s teen flick or horror movie.

I try to get water when possible and load up on pizza where I can, it really is a superfood. Passed through some gorgeous little towns today, I'm guessing a lot I have used from my TdF database of gorgeous places to visit lol. Very nice old typically French villages and towns. Saw loads more flamingos today when leaving the carmargue. Oh, we had the most amazing meal last night too in this little place which didn't look all that special, prob the best ever! The 70s concrete in the start town was something to be believed also, like Tjr Barbican on steroids.

Lots more vineyards and came across the articulated lorry which was a portable bottling bank for wine! Amazing! Yeah, just lots of really pretty towns and lots of bricontes!! Shame on my bike. A couple of bad drivers but again, most have been good, better than last year. And all the people have been friendly. Stopped off at this tobac to get some water and she couldn't be nicer, even though neither of us had a clue what the other was saying lol. Finally saw some guys playing with their shinny balls! Nice to see the canal de midi too. Just a really long hot day in the saddle with my knee starting to twinge.

Extra notes, seen lots of kestrels, red kites and other large birds. Lots of magpies about too and one very large green lizard, might have an escaped pet iguana? Dunno, ran across the road in front of me. Lots of dead snakes, some look a bit nasty. Swallows all out in the evenings which is great.

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