Lots of old cars, about. Nice old towns and hit 4000miles. Great gorges to cycle through, fossil country as well. Nice downhill's, video is way too long though. Length - 26min 45
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Start time: 06.32
Start location: Prairie City
Start State: Oregon
Start weather: Cold
Total millage so far: 3,976.80
Finish time: 13.45
Finish location: Mitchell
Finish State: Oregon
Finish weather: Hot
Miles today: 82.95
Total millage so far: 4,059.80
Today's top speed: 36.3
Today's average speed: 15.5
Today’s ride time: 5hr 20min 51sec
Punctures - 5 (slow back wheel), (staple in back wheel), (major blowout), (back wheel 31/7/12) , (back wheel 01/8/12)
Music played:
Blog for the day (Sunday, 5 August 2012):
Hmm er, can I write this tomorrow?? title being It's comparable to giving a caveman a Ipad lol, what a dumb f*ck