Saturday, 4th August 2012
Day 77 - Prairie City to Mitchell

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MP4 Quick Time
Lots of old cars, about. Nice old towns and hit 4000miles. Great gorges to cycle through, fossil country as well. Nice downhill's, video is way too long though.
Length - 26min 45
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Start time: 06.32
Start location: Prairie City
Start State: Oregon
Start weather: Cold
Total millage so far: 3,976.80

Finish time: 13.45
Finish location: Mitchell
Finish State: Oregon
Finish weather: Hot
Miles today: 82.95
Total millage so far: 4,059.80
Today's top speed: 36.3
Today's average speed: 15.5
Today’s ride time: 5hr 20min 51sec
Punctures - 5 (slow back wheel), (staple in back wheel), (major blowout), (back wheel 31/7/12) , (back wheel 01/8/12)

Music played:

Blog for the day (Sunday, 5 August 2012):
Hmm er, can I write this tomorrow?? title being It's comparable to giving a caveman a Ipad lol, what a dumb f*ck

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