Monday 18th June 2012
Day 30 - Eminence, day off rafting

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Rafting in the hot sunshine.
Length - 16min 43
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Blog for the day Tuesday (19 June 2012):
Day off again, yippee! This was yesterday though and I am pretty tired from today's ride and not even written about that yet. Hmm so quickly I guess. The early mornings reminded me of being down in Bantham, where I would get up early and listen to the birds, watch the fish jump and sit in the early sun. Although it is a bit hotter here. In the morning we all went into town and had breakfast and did some internet stuff. in the afternoon we did some river rafting on rubber rings etc. It was great fun. There were lots of fish in the water, some pretty big. The water ran into a natural spring which made the lovely warm water suddenly get real cold. it was a real laugh with lots of crazy things happening. The gopro worked well underwater but did fog up quickly. I saw a possible rattlesnake sitting on one of the rocks, i kept my distance. This snake was a bit browner though as I though rattlesnakes were a little lighter and dusty looking. There was also a raccoon walking along the waterline. Hmm there was more I wanted to write but cant remember again, sorry.

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