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Start time: 8.00'ish
Start location: Williams farm
Start State: Virginia
Start weather: Damp
Total millage so far: 232.40
Finish time: 14.00'ish
Finish location: Charlottesvile
Finish State: Virginia
Finish weather: sunny
Miles today: 53.82
Total millage so far: 286.22
Today's top speed: 41.1
Today's average speed: 14.4
Music played:
Ministry of Sound - Clubbers Guide Summer 2008
Ministry Of Sound - The Annual 2009
Blog for the day (Friday, 25 May 2012):
very tired, rained and thunder all last night again, not much sleep so now in a lovely hotel :) Not too much happened, long hills, fast descents. College town, lots of hotties. Good to meet some of Paul's mates, hard long day tomorrow. :(