Foggy start, burnt off quickly to get very hot. Lots of lovely old towns, cakes and castles/chateaus. €5 for a photo in Vitré. Nice but long day. Length - 17min 38
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Garmin route for today - - Strava route for today
Start time: 09:00
Start location: xxxx
Start weather: xxxx
Total millage so far: 227.79
Stops: xxxx
Finish time: 00.00
Finish location: xxxx
Finish weather: xxxx
Miles today: 54.78 (Strava says - 55.7 = 283.4)
Total millage so far: 282.57
Today's top speed: 42.3mph (Strava says - 42.1)
Punctures: 00
Music played:
Blog for the day:
Well another day in the saddle. The weather started off chilly and misty, this soon burned off leaving some small clouds and blue sky as we moved inland further. The landscape was very similar to what i saw on parts of the transam around Illinois? Rolling hills, corn growing hot and humid. There were lots of small lovely little towns we passed through. Again, a lot of them had shops closed down and there seems to be hardly anyone about!! Not sure where everybody is. Body feeling good still although as it got hotter in the day I began to worry about the hills and mountains ahead of us.
Phil put on a bbq at tonight's posh campground!! There was no where to eat around here. The town is small and most things are closed. The frogs kicked off their singing about 22.00. Noises buggers. Tired and need sleep.